Tuesday, 11 November 2008

We love watermelon!

Roll on summer! The summer fruit is in the shops and we have been enjoying strawberries galore over the past few weeks. I do need to ration them otherwise Thomas would eat a large punnet in one sitting!
He enjoyed watermelon for dessert tonight - dribbling down his chin and giggling with the excitement of it all.

A friend to play

Thomas and I picked Emma (Emmy) up from kindy yesterday lunchtime and they came home for lunch and a play together. Thomas was very excited about Emmy coming to play, having lunch at our house, going to her swimming lesson, and more play at home.
Here they are making me lots of lunch/dinner/pudding/birthday cake with the play doh. Of course I had to try it all!

Painting fun at kindy!

Last week I picked Thomas up from kindy - but I had to look twice before I recognised him. He had been having so much fun with the screen printing and painting.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Our gorgeous boy!

Check out our gorgeous boy (taken as a fundraiser for kindy)! Great family one too!