We can't let this day go by without letting all our friends out there know that today marks the 5th anniversary of my surgery for breast cancer.
I know, I can't believe it either!! The medical professionals say it is from your date of completion of all the post surgery paths you need to take, so for us we will be celebrating again on the 20th of December. Isn't it great to be able to celebrate this all over again in a few months time. I think we will be doing it forever!
This time 5 years ago I had finally been convinced not to come into work and so Steve and I took the day and went to look around the DIY and home shops to find some nice light fixtures for our new conservatory that was due to be started within the month. We were standing in Lighting Direct when I got a call from the surgeons office to say they could fit me in earlier, could I get there by 1pm. Suffice to say that was the end of the nice shopping day and we raced home and picked up my bag and headed to the hospital. I was greeted there by my dad and my best friend Kerry and to say that everything that happened then happened in a blur is an understatement. Next thing I knew I was waking up post surgery to ask them when it was my turn to go in. They explained that it had already taken place and I was in the post-op care room (I wonder how many times they had to tell people that?).
Once back in my room I was foolishly allowed to administer my own pain medicine, somewhere along the way I think I just wanted it all to be over and to be back home that I must have pressed the button too many times and found myself vomiting all over the bed, nurses and anyone within a 2metre radius. I spent the rest of the stay in hospital being very cautious about the magic button on the end of the cord.
We made it home after another 2 nights in the hospital and I don't know when it sunk in, but it took a long time to put all that had happened into perspective, and understand and deal with what had/was happening.
Well it is 5 years down that path of understanding and learning to cope with a breast cancer diagnosis, and as you all know we are truly blessed to have Thomas, our beautiful boy, in our life - and who could ask for anything more!
Every day we wake up (early thanks to Thomas!) and remember the very trying and difficult times, and are very thankful that we are together.
"To get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with" Mark Twain
A massive thank you to all our friends and family for their support and friendship. How can we ever say the words to express this - we hope we show you how important you are to us in the time we spend together.