Sunday, 13 April 2008

40th Birthday!

Can't let today finish without posting and letting you all know that I turned 40 today! It's been a weekend of celebrations and a great night out with family and friends last night was fab-u-lous! We dined at India Today that had great ambience and magnificent food, and everyone enjoyed themselves. Thank you to everyone for coming and sharing my birthday with me, and to all the friends that couldn't make it I'll post some pics soon!
Thomas and Steve spoilt me incredibly (diamond eternity ring and Audrey Hepburn collection in DVD boxed set) - and we even managed another birthday cake with candles and birthday song this afternoon. Had to go for a run to get rid of the excess food eaten over the weekend. Yay for me, it has taken 40 years to learn but I finally woke up without a hangover, wahoo!

Check out my beautiful 40th birthday cake. Made by Tania Fleming - just for me!


Kristina Martin said...

can't believe we haven't spoken since... look forward to all the stories... will try and call over the weekend and talk to you and scooby doo. hugs xx k

Harvey family said...

Maybe now we have skype we should try and co-ordiante a time this weekend, and then you can talk to Tommy too!