Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Off to kindy

Mummy took this photo of me just before I went to kindy yesterday - aren't I amazingly
gor-ge-ous. I'm giving you my biggest smile!
I love going to kindy and get very excited when I see my friends. I like playing on the swings, in the sandpit (it's still not raining properly here yet), climbing on the climbing frame, playing in the water tray, moonhopping, and listening to stories and singing songs inside with my teachers. My favourite song is still Mr Clickety Cane! My favourite stories are about a monkey called George and the man with the big yellow hat.
Love Thomas xox


Room7 Greytown School said...

Hi Thomas I think your chalk drawings are wonderful and I am glad you enjoy Kindy so much. I love looking at all the things you have been doing.

Love NanNan

Room7 Greytown School said...

Hi Thomas, My name is Millie, I go to kindy too. I like swinging on the swing, going in the sandpit making volcanoes and painting sheep. I like being on the slide. i am talking to your Nannan while my mummy gets ready at school. When she is ready she is going to take me to kindy.

Harvey family said...

Hi Millie. I am going to Auckland tomorrow morning - my mum and dad are getting me up early to go. I am going to see my Nana and Poppa, and my Poppa Jack. Mum and Dad are going to the rugby on Saturday night and I am staying with nana and poppa all by myself!