Thursday, 25 September 2008

Forever Young - Youth Group

Steve celebrates turning 44 tomorrow - Happy Birthday gorgeous boy!
Don't we all want to be "forever young" - I love this song and the video reminds me of the things we can do whenever we want too - no helmets, barefeet, ...
Love Jo and Thomas xoxo


Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Happy birthday Mr Steve

I am thinking of you now I am getting to work with normal people again - I did my time in la la land and now I get do do something useful.

I'll never complain about engineers again, now that I have worked with Sales Managers.

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Happy birthday Mr Steve

I am thinking of you now I am getting to work with normal people again - I did my time in la la land and now I get do something useful.

I'll never complain about engineers again, now that I have worked with Sales Managers.