Wednesday, 16 December 2009

School Picnic

A school picnic was held yesterday to celebrate the end of the school year. The whole junior school spent the day at Brooklands Zoo and the Bowl of Brooklands. They had such an awesome day and came home pretty tuckered out!

Having fun rolling down the hill

Helping each other back up again

This is the life - chilling out with friend Daniel
Getting ready to roll
On the rocking horse at the Brooklands Zoo
With friends from school (Eliala, Isla, Daniel, Thomas)

Something tickled Thomas' sense of humour!

"Aren't I gorgeous mum?!"

Back on the horse with Daniel and Harmony
"All this having fun is hungry work!"

1 comment:

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

I'm sure I remember riding this rocking horse when I was 5 years old.