Thursday, 1 April 2010

Walk-a-thon Update

Thomas had a great last week of school and the anticipation of the assembly today was enormous. He was very successful and was one of only 2 children from the junior school to recognised for the total number of laps of the course they did. Both did 16 laps and both received a free ticket for the hydroslide at the Aquatic Centre.
Thomas also received a certificate for raising over $100 - there were only 3 children in the entire school to accomplish that...he was the person that raised the most money $150.
So by the end of assembly Thomas was very proud, and I have a photo coming to me from another mum (so watch this space)
Thomas and Oscar receiving aquatic centre voucher for each completing 16 laps (most for junior child)
Thomas receiving certificate for raising over $100 and the most in the school

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