Friday, 28 May 2010

Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad!

Congratulations to my mum and dad (Bestemor and Morfar) on 44 years of marriage - enjoy the celebrations this weekend and may there be plenty more to follow...

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Ripper Rugby vs Tukapa Yellow

Today Tukapa Red (Tom's team) played Tukapa Yellow - they had great fun, and Thomas was so excited as he scored 3 tries again this week!
Go you little chook!

Enjoying packet of chips after the game in the Chook house
"Oh that chicken, that Cast Iron chicken,
I never knew a little bird could sing, sing, sing..."

"We are number 1!"

Phew that was exhausting

Thomas and coach Steve aka Papa

Getting ready for action

Friday, 7 May 2010

Junior Assembly

Yesterday Thomas's class did an item for the Junior Assembly. They retold the story of The Little Yellow Chicken and Thomas was the narrator. He got to wear top hat and tails and spoke very clearly into the microphone and read beautifully without any mistakes. He even remembered when to stop for the characters to say their parts.
Well done Thomas! You are such a star at school and we love how much you effort you put into your work and your friendships! Keep up the great work buddy!

Thomas the storyteller

Thomas reading the story

The little yellow chicken

Junior Assembly