Saturday, 8 May 2010

Ripper Rugby vs Tukapa Yellow

Today Tukapa Red (Tom's team) played Tukapa Yellow - they had great fun, and Thomas was so excited as he scored 3 tries again this week!
Go you little chook!

Enjoying packet of chips after the game in the Chook house
"Oh that chicken, that Cast Iron chicken,
I never knew a little bird could sing, sing, sing..."

"We are number 1!"

Phew that was exhausting

Thomas and coach Steve aka Papa

Getting ready for action


Greystone said...

Goodonya Mum Jo and Dad (coach) Steve! Oh! and goodonya Thomas! We went to the Hurricane's match last night versus the Reds. We were all very worried at half-time but shouldn't have been.

Poor Crusaders 2 losses ina row aAND a draw against the Hurricanes - they even needed extra time to get the draw too!

Ripper rugby's better Eh Thomas!

Cheers, Morfar

Carlos said...

Nice one Tommy Gun looking good in that gear too bro !!!
Ask Mum and Dad some of the things they got up to in those clubrooms, I think they might have some interesting stories...go the chicken !!!