Friday, 15 October 2010

Holiday Pics

In the school holidays we spent a few days in Taupo, and some of it was with Nana and Poppa.  Here we are ready to watch the dam open and flood the valley.
Here is Thomas with his Nana.
Getting ready to slaughter Poppa at mini-putt.  We played a few games over the time we were in Taupo.  Tom loved playing golf, and also trying to hit the green pontoon in the lake.
Here is a gorgeous cuddly bear outside a shop in Taupo.
Dad and Thomas at Craters of the Moon - what a awesome place!
After our return from Taupo, Steve and Thomas got to meet and play rugby games with the Taranaki rugby team.  They were also treated to Tara gear, and Tom's favourite a signed cap from the team.
Tom and his favourite Andre Taylor.
Thomas and Scott Waldrom.

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