Thursday, 25 December 2008

Merry Christmas!

We couldn't let today finish without saying to all our family and friends "Merry Christmas" and we hope you are all happy and enjoying it together with family and/or friends!
Promise to add photos in the next few days of Thomas (especially) perfecting the art of unwrapping presents.
Love from us xoxoxo


Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

We had a great christmas too. We spent it with family and friends in Northern and Southern Hemisspheres - thank goodness for skype - it makes the world a much smaller place!

Greystone said...

Hi Thomas, Jo and Steve

This New Year Thomas will be 5! And next Christmas he will be a school boy!

Carlos said...

Merry Christmas guys.

Just so you know Thomas, Isaac is next to me and yes he is 11, big aye !!

Great to talk to you all on Christmas day, hope to skype soon.

xx and Happy New Year for tonight.

Carlos said...

Come on Jo, bout time you updated !!!