Saturday, 2 January 2010

Water fun!

"Now I have two!"

"Watch out Thomas!"

"I love this - tee hee!"

Tim, Thomas and Jesse

Boxing day at Nannan and Morfar's place - enjoying a water fight. Morfar and Isaac were still in Featherston climbing hills and eating dessert so the boys decided to have some fun with their new water pistols!
More Xmas photos to come

1 comment:

Greystone said...

Whatabunch of little darlings!! Picasso high-tailed it under the deepest darkest parts of the fig tree to escape. As he sprinteth he muttereth to hinself, "What manner of people are these that squirteth water at one another? Bring me my cast iron castle and my nickle-plated knicker-knacker - just in case they are needeth."

Give me Sadie any day - at least he moves SLOWLY (shuffles?) and rarely points things at me!