Sunday, 20 July 2008

A Milestone!

Another reached today! I have completed my first 10km run (without walking) and feel amazing. The legs are now rather tired, but with a small run tomorrow they should be right again soon. Every Sunday morning I now join the Runners Club that meets at Pukekura Park and we head out and run together - nice to have company and someone else to lead the way. I've found some neat little paths/trails through the city, and amazingly today we ran a half of the 1/2 marathon.
The 1/2 marathon is being held on October 5th - so only 10 weeks to go now! This is a goal I set for myself only about a month ago, and what better way to celebrate being 40!
I've also managed to drop a size in my clothes and it is neat to be able to fit most of my wardrobe again! Haven't even looked at these clothes since before Thomas was born! So, a long time coming!

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